Firmware interrupt handling is a mechanism for responding to events that require immediate attention in a firmware-controlled device.

Interrupts are signals that cause the microcontroller to temporarily stop its current task and perform a specific interrupt service routine (ISR) to handle the event.

Interrupts can be triggered by events such as:

Timer events: Periodic signals generated by a timer to trigger routine tasks or measurements.

Sensor events: Signals generated by sensors to indicate a change in a physical value.

Communication events: Signals generated by a communication interface to indicate incoming data or a change in the communication status.

User inputs: Signals generated by buttons or switches to indicate a user interaction.

When an interrupt is triggered, the microcontroller saves its current context, executes the ISR to handle the event, and then restores its previous context to resume its previous task.

Firmware developers must take care to ensure that interrupt handling does not introduce unwanted side effects, such as interfering with the operation of other parts of the system or affecting the timing of other tasks. Interrupts should be handled efficiently, with minimal overhead, to ensure the device continues to operate correctly and respond to events in real-time.

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