My Take on 2020

Why: I have had issues myself with mental health and I feel like I need to spread awareness about the same.
Moving to a different country, completing my masters and finding a job took a lot of mental strength.
Worrying about what next, dealing with immigration related issues and the ever-increasing expectations from work and family took a toll on my mental capacity.
One thing I have learnt along the course of it all is that objectivity, focus and planning helps a lot in getting things done. I feel like giving back to society
provides me with a sense of satisfaction and the strength to keep going. I have been involved with Crisis Text Line where I did take up training to get certified
as a counselor and did about 120 hours of online text line help. I have volunteered whenever I have had time with FIRST Robotics, Tech Challenges and local radio
fundraisers. I currently am focusing on spreading the word and awareness through social media and help educate the youth on the same

What: I have had to deal with issues with Immigration where my stay in US was dependent on if I had an employment or not.
Getting a work authorization itself has impacted my presence here since it is a lottery and it has all been up to chance.
It is still a concern to date since my visa is contingent to my employer. My transition to getting a green card is long, highly subjective
and needs a lot of attention to detail regarding documentation, international travel and maintenance of current visa status. Given all this
there is a lot of stress at work and expectations to deliver on time. I must stress though that, this is just not about me. It’s about a few
million people who are battling the same situation every day in a broken system since none of it is really under their control. If you ask me
today “Is, it all worth it?” I would say “Yes”. I am trying to make a difference because I don’t want to be the person who sits around and
complains about things not being the way they should be.

Daily Check in Form

Lets all aspire to:
Be kind to somebody
Be helpful to somebody
Be mindful about what you are doing